The artist
Eric Timms
My name is Eric Timms and I was born a long, long time ago in a distant land that was held firmly in the grip of dark and evil forces. With my family, brushes and remaining sanity I managed to escape to a land far to the North where it was believed that freedom reigned and that people from every corner of the world lived in peace and harmony. Alas, this was but a myth for this new land was driven by greed and worthless celebrity so I dragged my easel and loved ones further overland and ventured further North to the land of Mystery and "the right to roam". Scotland.
I could tell you about all the paintings I have done, about the galleries I have run, but what's the point of that. I could mention the phases and exhibitions I have endured and the people I have taught but I cannot think why. In truth, as any person born in middle of last century will absolutely understand, I have managed to stay alive to deal with all the lofty joys and the deep miseries of being human. We all have our stories to tell and they are best savoured person to person.
Now I live on my palette-board with my loving and ravishing wife of many long, long, long years, my devoted wolf-dog Zulu and the opportunity to paint with freedom and true expression.